
Scenery Hill, Washington County, PA
Design Professional:
Margittai & Associates
Approximate Value:
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Century Inn

A total rebuild and restoration of a more than 200-year-old Inn that had previously burned to the ground.
Prior to joining STONEMILE, Greg Kittridge was enlisted to rebuild and restore the more than 200-year-old Century Inn, which burned to its foundation in 2015.

Greg estimated and managed the project from conception through the Inn’s reopening. Working on a daily basis with both the owner and other professionals, Greg was able to orchestrate a team collaborative effort that united the owner’s wishes and a professional’s designs. By referencing old pictures of the Inn and incorporating the memories of the owner’s family, the team was able to reconstruct this truly historical monument in Washington County.

A unique element of this project was the difficult task of mixing salvage along with rebuilding and replacing the remaining structure. However, the team successfully restored the Inn so that it is once again a historical asset and a place to be visited and experienced by the community.


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